South Carolina UFO disappeared into ‘portal’

PictureAiken, South Carolina. Credit: Google

A South Carolina witness at Aiken reported watching a red, circular object that seemed to disappear by moving into a portal, according to testimony in Case 91151 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was sitting on his front porch at 9:55 p.m. on March 31, 2018.

“Noticed a really bright, red light coming from the south headed north,” the witness stated. “I was looking for blinking lights to identify it as a plane or helicopter, but this object was round, solid red in the middle, with short gold rays coming out of it all around the circle. It was perfectly silent and moving along about as fast as a little Cessna plane would. As it moved directly in front of me, it was only about 700 to 800 feet from me. The front two-thirds of the object disappeared and then a split second later the rest disappeared also. It kind of looked like it was moving into another dimension or something, the way the front part seemed to go through, then the back of it a split second later. I did not see it after that. After the incident, two words have been stuck in my head, alpha and belvedere. Don’t know what it means, if anything, but wanted to let you know.”

South Carolina State Director Cheryl Ann Gilmore closed this case as an Unknown-Other.


from MUFON – UFO News

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